
  • EdxOnline教育平台www.edxonline.org


    EdxOnline:免费在线教育平台是由MIT公司和哈佛远程教育合并创办的在线教育平台EDX,提供跨领域、高标准的免费课程、实验创新的教学技术。整个项目将接受一家非盈利组织的监督。EdX a non-profit created by Harvard and MIT brings the best of higher education to students of all ages anywhere in the world via the internet with free MOOCs.

    - 2013-09-18 - 收藏
  • CENS.com|China Economic News Service

    CENS.com|China Economic News Service

    Looking for the information concerning the latest development trends and supplies capabilities of Taiwan\'s export industries? Here is the largest suppliers\' online information database in Taiwan. CENS.com is a leading export-oriented service that brings together global buyers and Greater China suppliers, with clearly-laid-out web pages and sites that point the way to a wide range of products covering eight basic categories, including Auto Parts & Accessories, Machinery, Hardware, Furniture, Li

    - 2013-07-05 - 收藏
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